Monday, July 5, 2010

3 Ways to Get Rid of Your Acne Fast

There is no doubt that acne as a disease condition does not have respect for age or gender. In fact it affects people from every tribe of the world without considering their colour or status. Therefore the use of a homemade acne cure that will control and finally stop the disease from reoccurring is of paramount importance.

One of the causes of this disease is to have excessive oily skin that can lead to the growth of bacteria which can cause acne. The following tips to be mentioned will help to keep your skin clean from oily substances.

The use of an oatmeal face mask is a good way of keeping your skin free of oil because it absorbs all of the oil. This can be prepared by mixing regular oatmeal and water to form a thick paste, then apply this paste to the face and allow it to remain on the face for about 20 minutes. Rinse your face with water to remove the paste then, repeat the treatment two times in a day. The best time for this is early in the morning before anything and late in the evening before you go to bed.
Secondly some toothpaste can be effective. Apply some quantity of toothpaste to the various acne spots on your skin before you go to bed at night. This will reduce the rate at which the spots will swell before daybreak and it will finally have a thorough effect on the spread of the disease.

There is another face mask that can be prepared from honey and apples. It is also good for an oily skin. This face mask can be prepared by making an apple paste and adding three to four tablespoonful of honey. After mixing together very well, it can be applied to your face. Then allow it to be for 15-20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

These entire aforementioned acne cures are effective at treating your symptoms and reducing the signs of your acne but they do not have effects on the basic cause of acne. This is the reason why you can still be having outbreaks after having applied these methods.

But I have good news for you. You can easily eradicate your acne finally without any scars or outbreaks coming back. This is the reason you have to see a product. This is a product that has been tested and trusted. Check it out HERE.

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